Press release

At the request of his Excellency, Ali Bongo Ondimba,President of the Gabonese Republic and current Chairman of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), Libreville is hosting a face-to-face meeting from June 20 to July 2023, the XXIIIrd Ordinary Session of the Conference of Heads of State and Government of ECCAS Member States on the theme: “Take up the challenge of community financing to accelerate the integration process in the Central African region and support the implementation of its institutional reform. “.
The objectives pursued by the 23rd ordinary session of the Conference of Heads of State and Government are :
- Report on the state of implementation of the decisions of the 21st and 22nd ordinary sessions of the ECCAS Conference of Heads of State and Government, in particular on the issue of financing the integration process in Central Africa;
- Examine and validate the Rules of Procedure of the Community’s Bodies and Institutions;
- Examine and validate the Protocols annexed to the Revised Treaty of ECCAS relating to the Parliament, the Court of Justice and the Court of Auditors of the Community;
- Examine and validate the texts implementing the revised ECCAS Financial Regulations, relating to budgetary and accounting rules, general accounting and the ECCAS general chart of accounts;
- Review the political and security situation in the region in the first half of 2023.
Experts from ECCAS member states in the fields of budget and finance, justice and legal affairs, and defense, safety and security will be taking part in the various meetings.
Contact For further information on accreditation, contacts or the media, please contact Mrs Hedwirame Dos Santos Monteiro, Director of Communications, Public Relations and Protocol, on +241 60 24 98 12 or Mr Franck NEMBE Lessibi, Communications Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Gabonese Republic, at number +241 7474 62 30
Automatic translation