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Luanda (Republic of Angola), May 27, 2023– On the initiative of the President of the Commission of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), an ECCAS mission led by the Special Assistant to the President of the Commission, Mrs.AHMED SENE ACHTA, qu’accompagnaient Messieurs Désiré NDEMAZAGOA BACKOTTA and M. Jean Pierre NDOUTOUM has just stayed in Luanda, the capital of the Angolan Republic, respectively Head of New and Renewable Energies Department and Head of the CEREEAC Start-up Unit.

The objective of this mission was to prepare the start of the activities of the regional center for renewable energies and energy efficiency in Central Africa (CEREEAC).

The mission was received by the Minister of Energy and Water, His Excellency João Baptista Borges. She also met with the Secretary of State for Energy and Water, Mr. António Rodrigues Fernandes Belas da Costa.

The mission had interviews with senior officials from the Ministries of External Relations and those of the Ministry of Energy and Water, as well as the heads of certain banking institutions to discuss the procedures for opening a bank account for the benefit of CEREEAC.
In addition, the delegation was able to inquire about all the practical information on the installation of the team of the CEREEAC Start-up Unit and the overall framework of intervention of the CEREEAC Start-up Unit in Angola, in reference, in particular to the CEREEAC headquarters agreement.

The Specifications for the establishment and operation of the CEREEAC Start-up Unit have been approved by the Minister of Energy and Water, the shortlist of potential candidates to occupy the positions of local staff (Administrative Assistant and Financial, Secretary and Courier) of the said Start-up Unit has been established, the information necessary for the residence of the Head of the Start-up Unit of CEREEAC and the opening of bank accounts of the UD/CEREEAC collected, the date from June 15, 2023 was selected for the installation of the Head of the Start-up Unit at his post in Luanda and the period from June 19 to 23, 2023 selected to carry out the study trip to the Center for Renewable Energies and the ECOWAS Energy Efficiency (ECREEE).

It should be noted that the CEREEAC Start-up Unit’s main mission is to initiate actions for the operationalization of CEREEAC. Specifically, this Startup Unit will carry out actions so that the Center is able to effectively provide quality services to ECCAS Member States and the international community.

CEREEAC was created by a decision of the 19th Conference of ECCAS Heads of State and Government, held on July 30, 2021 in Brazzaville (Republic of Congo), and the headquarters agreement was signed with the Angolan government on November 3, 2021, the official inauguration ceremony of the CEREEAC headquarters took place on March 10, 2023, the decisions establishing the CEREEAC Start-up Unit and appointing the Head of the Start-up Unit were taken on May 2, 2023 by the President of the ECCAS Commission.

Automatic translation

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